Search for the King: to worship, scorn, or kill?

The Wise Men searched and travelled far
because they saw the wonder Star:
wanted to find the newborn King
whose coming must great good news bring!

So joyful when they saw once more
the star – now led them to the door,
the house wherein the child was found
and then they fell upon the ground.

For this child, though now young was he
whom they must lift up, worship – see
they then gave gifts, and thus provision
which met the needs of flight: protection.


But Herod’s search was not to bring
praise, No! he feared another king,
and thought to thwart, confound God’s will
– the child when found, destroy and kill.

And some today, search, find, adore,
in love their lives He’ll save, restore.
But others want false freedom more –
search ways Him to deny, ignore.

But He is Sovereign, and one day
we all will see His rule’s display.
He’ll know who His dominion own,
and those He sadly must disown.

Wait, Go, Tell!

What a task for group so weak:
God will send them out to speak.
Hostile world has not yet heard
news they may feel is absurd.
What a message they must tell
news that all things can be well
All repentant can receive
grace Christ died and rose to give.

Jesus said they must not go
’til his Spirit come – they’ll know
his infilling; – ’til that day
weak disciples wait and pray.
As a rushing wind he came,
like anointing tongues of flame.
Babel brought such separations,
Word of Christ unites the nations.

So we see the change He made,
boldly they his will obeyed
see them needy people reach,
of his resurrection teach.
By the Spirit, hearts that heard
Christians telling out God’s Word
came to life now, sin abhorred,
contrite, pardoned by the Lord.

New believers met for they
hungry to learn of God’s Way,
caring, mutual love display,
and together praise and pray.
What a message they must tell
news that all things can be well
All repentant can receive
grace Christ died and rose to give.

Acts chapters one and two in the Bible

Tune: 77 77 77 77 eg Humility by John Goss (tune fo ‘See amid the winter’s snow’)

Freed from prison

King Herod killed James, and had Peter arrested.
The Christians still prayed to their God whom they trusted.
By sixteen men guarded and chained – but he slept,
‘Get up’, said the angel: Peter thought that he dreamt.

He rose and obeyed him and off the chains fell,
the gateway then opened by God’s mighty will.
He hurried to where they were meeting in prayer.
He knocked, Rhoda came but then ran back to share.

They couldn’t believe her that it could be he.
James now was in heaven but Peter was free
to preach out the news of salvation and peace,
and Satan’s frustrated at Peter’s release.
cf Acts 12:

Tune: 11 11 11 11 or Houghton (10 10 11 110)

Who can go into His presence?

They knew He is holy,
they knew they were not.
The temple displayed well
the need they had got
for mercy before they
could meet Him, embrace –
a substitute sacrifice
to die in their place.

They knew He was present,
and with them to care,
and able to help them,
and able to hear.
A Saviour would come soon,
the King He’d install,
and from all the nations
to mercy He’d call.

Tune: 65 65 65 65 eg ‘Have Thine own way’ by G Stebbins

Scorning the warning

‘Put Micaiah in the prison.’
(For his warning Ahab spurned.)
‘Give him only bread and water,
until safely I’ve returned.’

‘I will go disguised to battle,
then the other king they’ll shoot
(royally robed) – the enemy realised
he was not King Ahab, but

someone drew his bow at random,
Ahab’s schemed disguise no use
pierced between the armour pieces:
he’d been warned his life he’d lose.

Hopefully Micaiah was not
left in prison! God controls
even random acts, so heed the
words of love of Him who knows.
cf 2 Chronicles chapter 18::5-34